We’re excited to have an image selected for National Geographic’s current exhibit touring the country of The Greatest Photographs of the West. This exhibit will show at 10 museums around the country and a companion book will also be published. To learn more about the exhibit and where they are showing, please visit their site […]
Giant Pacific Manta Rays are beautiful creatures that can be found through out the Seaof Cortez and waters off many of the islands . They glide through the ocean with grace and never fail to intrigue. Down in the Revillagigedo Islands with Nautilus Explorer, we saw a few and I captured them to show you […]
One of our images will be featured in the most recent Natures Best Magazine because it was recognized in a contest and the Oceans Views Exhibition, currently up at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. If you are going to be in the area, the show is up through November! smithsonian
One of our shots was recognized in the current July issue of PDN. The Great Outdoors is a new contest put on by PDN and National Geographic Traveler. Check it out if you get a chance! PDN, Photo District News
One of our images placed in the Extreme Exploration category in the World in Focus contest. The contest is sponsered by PDN and National Geographic Traveler. This was shot at Bear Glacier in Alaska and it was an amazing trip! We kayaked and camped for 3 days at the mouth of the glacier. The glaciers […]