This Iceberg we paddled around the day before the top fell off landed in the lower background. Glad we were not paddling here when it let loose.

Our friends Chris and Pam on Stan Up Paddle Boards (SUP’s) exploring an iceberg canyon on Bear Lake in the Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska. Always nice to start out he new year with a cover shot. License image here: https://turnerforte.photoshelter.com/index/I0000nGYYZw6D1G4
Here’s a selection of both galapagos and silky sharks from our Revillagigedo Islands trip with Nautilus Explorer.
We’re just home from an epic scuba diving trip down to the Revillagigedo Islands and the Sea of Cortez with the Nautilus Explorer. These deserted and far away islands including Socorro, San Benedicto, and Roca Partida are about 250 miles off the tip of Baja, or 30 hours by boat. The islands are volcanic in […]
The latest issue of Via Magazine has one of our photos from the Valley of Fire, a red rock playground, outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. When visiting Vegas, not many people explore outside of the city, but this is definitely worth the trip. The rock lights up a vibrant red at sunset and there are […]
Check out the March issue of Outside Magazine to see a shot of Chris Mautino of Liquid Adventures cruz’n the Alaska ice. We’ve gotta go back to wild Alaska!!!
Belize is like Swiss cheese. There are endless caves and subterranean tunnels, and one that we explored, Caves Branch River, is just outside of Belize City. We tubed through the jungle floating in and out of caves and caverns. With head lamps lighting our way, we disembarked a few times to explore the stalagmites and […]
We recently shot an assignment for Bicycling Magazine highlighting Santa Barbara and where to go to for a ‘Perfect Day.’ We shot restaurants, food, drinks, and of course bicycling the mountain and beach roads. To get the scoop, pick up the December issue all you bicycling enthusiasts!